The everyday life of living like Kings...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Jackster

So, I know I've been a little MIA when it comes to updating my blog recently... okay, for the past year or so... but I am really going to try and jump back on the bandwagon and start blogging again.  This blog, if it hasn't already, will turn into a Pintrest and Kids blog.  That's what happens when I when I became a mother of two.

But, my first blog back I am not going to talk about Pintrest and the rockin' outfit I made of Brady for Halloween, or my dear Lola who this blog hasn't even met.  Nope, I am going to write about my adorable nephew, Jack. 

In case y'all missed it.  Jack is Brady's "identical cousin."  Story in short: My sister Molly & I found out we were pregnant the same day, had the same due date, both went into labor 2 weeks early, and both had boys, within 9 hours.  It was all a pretty incredible story.  But, what's even MORE incredible, is how close the boys have gotten.  This year I've been ultra lucky because every Wednesday I get to hang out with him.  We go to "Bible School" (AKA Bible Study) and this year my mom signed up Jack.  My mom volunteers at the Children's Program at bible school, so I get to drive Lola, Brady, and Jack back and forth. After "Bible School" we go to the "play place" to eat (AKA McDonald's) before I take them back to school.  I truly wouldn't have it any other way.  Our families get together about once a week for a big McCartney Family Dinner, but I usually don't get much one-on-one time with Jack.  I cherish my Wednesdays, because I really get to know Jack on a different level, and, let's be honest, the kids is freakin' adorable.  But, what's even more adorable is the things he says!  This kid has a memory of a computer and can recite about anything back to you.... a month later.  It's incredible.  He even knows Spanish!  Let's recap some of our conversations, shall we?

While driving in the car...
Jack: "Hi Lola!  Hi Lola!  Hi cousin! Hi cousin!"
Me: "Is Lola asleep or awake?"
Brady: "Awake!"
Jack: "She's awake.  Why isn't she answering?"

I was singing "The Wheels on the Bus.."
Jack: "I'm really good at that song.  You are not really good, Browyn"

Jack: " There's a yellow tractor on the sidewalk!!  A yellow tractor! Amarillo!"

As we were following Grandma Mac to lunch.... (driving)
Brady: "We're coming Grandma!  We're coming Grandma! Wait for us Grandma!"
Jack: " Faster Browyn!  Drive faster!  Rapido!"

Jack: "Why is Lola crying?"
Me: "She doesn't want to be in her carseat.  She wants to play"
Jack: "Lola, you need to be in your carseat so you can stay safe."

Me: "Jackster, you're a goofball!"
Jack: "I'm not a goofball!  I'm a meatball!"

The boys are so cute together too when they play.  To be honest, they are either best friends, or fighting like brothers.  These moments make my heart melt though...

Jack: (Looking at the refrigerator magnets)  "Where's the O?  Where's the letter O?"
Brady: "I don't know, Jack.  Where IS the letter O?"
Jack: (Picks up the A) "I got it!! I got the letter O!"
Brady: (looks at the letter and giggles) "No Jack!  That's the letter A!"
Jack: "Oh...."

At night while tucking Brady in to bed..
Me: "Brady, what was your favorite part about today?"
Brady: "Jack."

And the best thing he said was today....

" I want a sister.  I will call her Browyn."  Yep, you heard it here first, folks.  One day I will have a niece named Browyn.   Can't wait for my sis to get knocked up now so we can make Jack's hopes and dreams a reality.  :)