As some of you read in an earlier blog... I have an obsession. A serious addiction. It consists of one word, FarmVille. This little game on Facebook has caused me much turmoil in the past few months. It all started when I was in my first trimester and was too sick to move off the couch. Austin's Aunt Becky got me started on this little game and it has since taken over my life... and it is not just me that has noticed....
A month or so ago my parents were in town. My mom & my dad sat me down at lunch one day and this is about how the conversation went....
Mom: (in a very serious face) "Browyn, we need to talk to you about something."
Me: (confused) "What?"
Mom: "We think you play FarmVille too much and it is affecting your marriage. Austin is such a sweet boy and we think you are neglecting him."
Mom: (still serious) "Browyn, I am serious, look at this article we found in the New York Times. It is all about how FarmVille is destroying relationships and affecting people lives negatively."
Then.... my mother shows me this article....
It's true!! A whole article in the New York Times about how students grades drop because they are late/miss class to harvest crops.... how people make their date wait for the blueberries to get harvested before going out to dinner.... and how now people must not only tend to THEIR crops, but also fertilize their FRIEND's crops. Well, I talked to Austin about this "intervention" my parents had with me... he also laughed at the idea... but did state some of the characteristics I had as some of the people in the article.
Well.... I made a promise to my sweet husband. A big one. I would quit FarmVille... Well, one day.... just not then. I told him I would quit on Christmas.... I mean, I couldn't quit earlier than that.... people had been sending me FarmVille Christmas presents that I could not open until then.... HOW WAS I SUPPOSE TO QUIT BEFORE OPENING MY PRESENTS? Well.... Christmas was such a loooooonng time away so I wasn't so worried.... And my farm looked better then ever with all my holiday Poinsettias.....
Well.... Today after work I made a commitment. I quit. For good. I knew I had to do something rather then just "stop harvesting." I had to do something so I could not go back.... So.... I sold EVERYTHING.... and I mean EVERYTHING..... Every cute little horse, pig, cat, circus elephant, and even my clumsy reindeer..... down to each tree, chicken coop, and tractor. It's all gone. And to show my FarmVille friends goodbye I even crop dusted it into my farm....
So, here is Farmer Browyn signing off, on Level 43, 169,857 XP points....