The everyday life of living like Kings...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Haircut Extravaganza!

So... in college I cut Austin's hair... Well, until he had to get a near-buzz cut. You see, I always cut the top of his hair with a really long guard on the clippers... well... I once forgot to switch the guard... and he had to get his hair cut.... very short. After that day I got my hair cutting privileges taken away from me... That was in 2003.... it is now 2010, 7 years later... and he let me try again.... (This time I just used scissors to cut the top!)

He was relatively surprised that I didn't give him another buzz cut... but decided now was the time to let me try again since, well, he has nothing going on but hanging out with Brady... Speaking of Brady.... we thought that we would get a glimpse of what he might look like when he is older....
and it was so much fun we kept snapping pictures!

more and more!
And then we figured we'd jump into his adult years and give him a little 'stach.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mylie & Me

You may remember from a previous post that we moved the dogs down to San Antonio a couple months before we moved. We did this because we didn't want the dogs to tear up our backyard while we were trying to sell our house. Well, I think we got a little used to having no dogs.... and the dogs were outside for the entire time they were in San Antonio before we got here.... and they, lost their manners. So, long story short, we haven't been letting them inside too often. In Omaha they were definitely indoor dogs. In San Antonio, definitely outdoor dogs. This is fine with me especially with the new babe.

Well... yesterday Austin & I had the bright idea to watch "Marley & Me." We had seen it before, so I have no idea why we put ourselves through it again. Of course, after it was over we just wanted to cuddle our pooches to pieces... or at least let them inside to hang out. We never thought Brady would have this reaction to his "sister" (Yep, I called my puppies my child... just for Molly)

Brady LOVES Mylie!!! It was the cutest thing ever... so I think we might be seeing more of the dogs in the future....