The everyday life of living like Kings...

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Austin's Dog

She was Austin's dog.  From the beginning I made sure to remind him of that too.  Every time she dug a hole in the yard, I reminded him.  Every time she figured  out how to open the pet gates and destroy something in the house, I reminded him.  Every time she figured out how to open our "latest and greatest" contraption to keep her in the yard, I reminded him. Every time I had to go out looking for her because she didn't find her way home, I reminded him.

On Monday, when we had to say goodbye to her, I reminded him. I reminded him what a pain in the ass it was to clean up all the scratch  marks on the couches when he would sneak her under the covers to cuddle with her while he watched a movie.   I reminded him of how rude she was to save her food until Hannah (our other dog) was done eating, and then made sure to eat every bite right in front of her, while looking at Hannah to make sure she was watching.

Today, she reminded me.  She reminded me as I mopped her muddy paw prints from my kitchen floor for the very last time.   She reminded me as I mowed the lawn and stepped in her shit for the very last time.  She reminded me when I saw her uneaten rawhide bone on the grass. She reminded me that she would wait for Hannah to chew her bone until it was nice and soft and then snatch it away from her and reap all the benefits.  She reminded me that she was very much my dog, as much as I wanted to deny it.  Mylie, you will and are so very missed.