For the past few weeks, maybe even months, Brady has been going "pee pee" in his Elmo potty when Mom & Dad go in the "Big Potty". And by saying "going pee pee," I mean Brady would sit on his Elmo potty and give him High 5's, but never really go. Well, yesterday we went out and bought two additional potties, Pull Up diapers for when we were away from home, big boy underwear, and a stock of marsh mellows as rewards for going in the potty. We were ready. Set. Now time to go.
Or not...
This morning we woke up with the mindset that we were going to potty train him. After his morning milk, we sat him on the potty, gave him books to read, and eventually my iPhone to play games on and.... WA LA.... HE PEED!!
We were so excited!! Yes, some of the pee dribbled down onto his socks and underwear, but that was our own fault for not pointing his "parts" in the down position. Austin gave him his marsh mellow and we cheered for him. What did Brady do? He threw his marsh mellow into the potty.... with his pee. (Apparently we don't give him enough marsh mellows to know that they are food!) So, we gave him another. This one he ate, and loved. Then he realized he threw a "perfectly good" marsh mellow into his potty.... What would ANY kid do? Open up the potty and pull out the marsh mellow... and.... eat it. As I was screaming in disgust and Austin was running over to save the urine soaked marsh mellow from Brady's salivating mouth, it was too late. Gone.
Well, we tried to get past this event and started cleaning up. Unfortunately, with the little toddler potties we still have to clean out the potty, and any spillage from not pointing things in the downward direction during the pee. As Brady watched his parents clean.... he decided to stand in the kitchen and finish his pee on the kitchen rug, and he cried because he was getting himself dirty.
I tried getting Brady to come back to his room so I could clean him up (again), he ran around the house, covered his urine, running in every direction AWAY from me. I finally caught him, cleaned him up.... and put a diaper back on him. Yes, you heard it right folks, a diaper. It wasn't even 10am before I had given up on the potty training challenge. I realize now that is is going to be, by far, the hardest part in my parenting career up until this point, and I am not ready for it.