The everyday life of living like Kings...

Friday, November 16, 2012


For those of you that don't know, my littlest sister, Bridget, has been watching Lola since I've gone back to work.  It's been wonderful for me, knowing that Lola is in the care of her Auntie, and getting a million pictures throughout the day.  Thing is, Bridget was only watching Lola temporarily for us until she found a "real job."  Well, that time has come, and Bridget starts her "real job" on Monday.  Ho hum.  It was good while it lasted..... especially because Lola has been so terrible.  Okay.... not terrible... just refusing to eat from a bottle.... at all.  When I first went back to work, it would be a good day if Lola ate 6oz during my 12-13 hour shift.  Now, she's a pro at the bottle.  I'm not going to lie though, if Lola had started daycare and they told me she only ate 6oz all day, I would have freaked out.  Knowing that she had one-on-one with her Aunt Bridget... I knew that it wasn't because she wasn't trying.  Anyway... here are just a few tidbits of our text conversations over the last 3 months.....

"ive been sitting on the ground for almost an hour now trying to get her to eat this bottle"

"lolzapalooza is sad."
"liiiiiike nothing makes her stop crying"
"I feel like a bad babysitter because I'm just watching her cry"
"I think she's asleep but she is still crying"

"Lola has a spider crawling on her!! I hope its not radioactive!" (It was Brady's fake spider)

"I don't understand your daughter. she's hard to read"

"won't eat. won't go in any of her chairs. was only happy when I held her a certain way"

"I'm gonna put some of your boob milk in my coffee"

"she pooped as I was taking off her diaper, so fun"

"lolz hates tummy time"

me: "has she pooped today?"
"oh yes.  yes she has.  I heard gurgling noises from her butt"
me: "Did you clean it?!?"
"saving it for Austin"

"come home"

"your daughter is crying"
"make her stop"
"save me"

"I think Lola misses you.  come home"

"she looks real sleepy now.  but she is on tummy time. and not enjoying life"

"your daughter is a mess"

"do you have any alcohol"

"dreaming of tequila"

"your daughter hates me"

"I taught Brady how to say GOP criminals"

"Lola loooooooooves scrubs"

"tell Lola to sleep because I could use a nap"

"your daughter will not drink. she is starving tho. stares at bottle.  opens her mouth for it. but when i put it in her mouth she just cries and just moves her tongue around, not sucking. (that's what she said)"

"I think your daughter is bipolar"

"Lola is insane."
(5 minutes later)

"why doesn't ryan gosling love me??"
(5 minutes later)
(3 hours later)

"watching BUffy.  she's REAL into it!"

"episode ended.  no more episodes.  she's real upset"

"guess who pooped on me.  I'll give you a hint.  the name starts with "lo" and ends with "la""
"today is going to be a long day.  just come home now."

She also sends me tons of pictures like these.......  :)
Love you Aunt Bridget.  Thanks for helping us out for the last few months.  xoxo.

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