The everyday life of living like Kings...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

de Quervain’s Tendonitis

For those of you that know me.... know that I am a bit of a hypochondriac. I do not think so though... I REALLY think that I can self-diagnose many of my medical problems. :) For instance, I am fully convinced that I have Diabetes Insipidus. This is not the diabetes that most people know of that affects blood sugars... the main component in D.I. is always being thirsty, drinking a TON of water, and peeing ALL the time. I "thought" I had D.I. when I first learned about it in Anatomy class at Metro... Then I "knew" I had it when I learned even more in nursing school... a couple more signs of D.I. is high heart rate and low blood pressure... Do you think I can fib about my blood pressure & heart rate? Nope. I have it. I'm convinced. I actually have convinced many people that know me that I have D.I. too... because they see how water-obsessed I am. It was the WORST when my OB doctor limited my water intake (actually said NO WATER) after 6pm... (due to my severe heartburn). Every morning I woke up feeling like I had many alcoholic beverages the night before.... What I really wanted was pure and simple:

Just a nice tall glass of H2O.

So... As you can imagine... when I woke up about a week ago with bilateral wrist pain... I was convinced I had Carpal Tunnel. It wasn't until today that I really researched Carpal Tunnel and realized that I had no numbness or tingling... so I couldn't possibly have Carpal Tunnel... Good thing... because it sounds dreadful!

So, what DO I have? de Quervain's Tendonitis AKA "Mother's Thumb." This affects JUST the thumb, and hurts when I move my wrist or thumb a certain way, "catches" much like trigger finger, and hurts like a "b" when I snap my fingers. It is prevalent in new mothers and grandmothers from picking up their child/grandchild the same way over and over. The Internet (which is ALWAYS correct) says to diagnose "Mother's Thumb" you make a fist over your thumb & then move your wrist out. This is very painful for someone with de Quervain's Tendonitis... Is it painful for me? HOLY COW YES!

Breast-feeding moms are even more prevalent due to the positioning of the baby & boob for feeding. WELL... for those that don't just know me, but have SEEN me since given birth, you know that my boobs are as big as basketballs...

When I feed little Brady I must really squeeze and squish my boob into his mouth so that he can get milk. Such things I didn't realize before pregnancy.....

So, what are the next steps? I am hoping that I can treat it with some ibuprofen & changing the way I pick up the little stinker... and hopefully I will figure out a different way to get my boob into his mouth still... otherwise my wrists are just gong to continue to hurt. :) The next step is wrist splints, therapy, steroid injections... and even surgery! Luckily... they say if you figure it out early and change things that you have a better outcome. Good thing I am such a good investigator! :)

Who would have known that I would get something called "Mother's Thumb" from taking care of my beautiful baby!


  1. I can relate to the D.I. However the mother's thumb and boob squishing, not so much... Matt N

  2. I think you are crazy.


  3. Twin! This is Megan and I just want to let you know that the test for deQ's tenosynovitis can provide false positives - I have pain when I do that test in both wrists as well, and we learned in school that it can be painful in pt's without deQ's. That's not to say you don't have it, but just to let you know that it's not end all be all! If you find that you are still having some pain with that test after you change your methods for picking up Brady, breast feeding, etc. don't freak! I love you and I want to meet this amazing baby!
