The everyday life of living like Kings...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Goodbye Maternity Leave... Hello Reality....

So... my first day back at work was supposed to be May 24th... I just looked at my vacation hours and realized I am out after this week. Since we are moving, Austin will be taking 3 months off work this summer, and just having a child, we cannot really afford for me to take a week off work unpaid... So... with less than a week to mentally prepare myself... I go back to work next week.

As Pam from "The Office" once said: "How was maternity leave? It rocked. It rocked my ass off."

Oh Pam... I couldn't agree with you more...

Today, other things have come to scare me about leaving my child while I am at work. San Antonio had a Tornado Warning today. Granted, they don't happen much down there, but they sure do happen a lot up in Nebraska. I couldn't imagine how scared I would be if I were away from my child during a tornado warning. Apparently, Molly was having a difficult time with it today too. She texted our little sister, Bridget, who is watching her son and said:

"If I die, take good care of my son and make him like the Baby Jesus. Oh, and don't sleep with my husband."

1 comment:

  1. Randy was with a babysitter once as the sirens blared and I saw the wall cloud moving was very scary. He slept through the whole thing!
